The Weston Exchange

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Evening all - personal blog 6 - stuff I've done today

Lots of walking with the dogs today, to try and burn off some of the stress I get on a daily basis - I read breathing in the green grass and flowers is meant to be a mood lifter, the dogs seem happier outside at the moment, skipping through the wild flowers, bless 'em.

LEMONS.WS Yellow Shop

↑ Grab this Headline Animator

created the banner above - a feature I forgot about feedburner, you can add your own background to the headline animator. So I'm putting that on all my networks, I will probably make one for special offers - maybe a square.

What i didn't know is that these banners are 'grab this' buttons  I'm sure the text used to lead to feedburner - but it now allows webmasters to copy my actual banner - maybe it has always done this and I didn't notice.

Twitter - I am retweeting lemon related tweets and some ecademy posts - free members can't actually 'like' on Ecademy's own system without upgrading these days - I have no problems tweeting peoples blogs I follow, they are going through a similar thing that gumtree did - break up of the community core - may well reform with new people or not, depending on where the owners take it

- prospect networking has many of the blogging/active ecademists these days - 200 members, real people that I probably know most of them from ecademy, not sure even if ecad made it free again, it would bring back the old crew, so I guess they have to niche it and hope for the best.

I'd pay a nominal fee, as I say before I pay $4.95 for blogfrog a month as I don't want it to die like mybloglog did, and women need all the breaks they can get in this business world!  I pay $2.95 for a basic ning, not sure how they are fairing, very locked down for basic membership - but hey it's cheap, I am the only member of my ning network (on purpose) as i use it for storage of ideas I have rather than socializing, an on-line desk top I guess, that could be opened up to friends if I was working on something with them.

off to the tablet to catch up on facebook groups/pages soon.

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Hi This is Zara Lockwood's Personal blog (that does have stuff on it I sell too!) - I will be looking at light hearted current affairs and bit's from the UK, memories, photos etc. Currently living in south west of UK (Bridgwater, Somerset), have lived in Glastonbury, London, Burnham-on-sea, Reading, born in Plymouth, ancestors all over UK and USA - so we are probably related if you have European or UK roots!

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