The Weston Exchange

Monday, 25 April 2011

Evening all - personal blog 4 - stuff I've done

I've been looking at various diets, I will probably make up my own, focusing on hiit and fat burning foods as they seem to be popular and make some sort of sense - oats and lemons are fat burning I think.

What else, Brandy, my Jack Russell is on heat so she's having to stay on the lead for the next few weeks or she runs after anyone she thinks might have a dog with them!

Think I have hayfever, it's been building up over the years, so off to the chemist tomorrow to get some tablets for it.

Will start on a painting of lemons soon, need to finish my neighbours doggie portrait, haven't started on the reviews yet as I fell out the wordpress, need to look up some new blogger templates for some of my network tonight, thinking of healthy eating again as I've put all the weight I lost last year back on, spring and summer time is a good time to start healthy eating as, fruit and salad are great when it's hot, need to work out winter food for this winter - maybe get a wok and go the stir fry route in winter, quit red meat again, currently drinking juice of a fresh lemon a day in water or lemonade.

All things lemon and yellow, yep I can do that.

The Lemon Juice Diet 

1 comment:

  1. Oatmeal good choice, lemons can't miss. Find time and place to regularly walk at a good clip for 30 minutes or 15 minutes for 2 times a day. No added salt or sugar and no meals after 9 PM. Result - shed 105 pounds in 15 months. have kept off for 12 years. Good luck!



Hi This is Zara Lockwood's Personal blog (that does have stuff on it I sell too!) - I will be looking at light hearted current affairs and bit's from the UK, memories, photos etc. Currently living in south west of UK (Bridgwater, Somerset), have lived in Glastonbury, London, Burnham-on-sea, Reading, born in Plymouth, ancestors all over UK and USA - so we are probably related if you have European or UK roots!

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